Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
pierced septum
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
and a happy festivus
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
holly wipes
Sunday, December 20, 2009
blizzard is heard
washing all the cold from toes
we were up all night
waiting for the snow to grow
wishing more for hot coca
waking up to eggs and toast
we saw brightness whitened
out our windows
blowing snow
Saturday, December 19, 2009
last day of chanukah
Friday, December 18, 2009
arse poetica
at the bar, i tell them
i need to fart out this poem really quick
before i get too shitty
and after laughing and making raspberries
if they’re not too drunk they’ll ask why
and i say because today is today
and poetry happened
and if i’m not a dick
i’ll write it down
Thursday, December 17, 2009
at the food court
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
jouissance, substance, gentlemen, when
I remember when I first saw cats. I was wrapped in a blanket, in awe of the airbrushed unitards. I remember the first time I smoked weed. I ate pumpkin cheesecake and was supposed to be getting supplies for my missionary trip. I remember my first kiss, it was under that same blanket and started with my nose
I remember when I had my beard for my stage makeup class, there were screams in the girls room. I remember the first time I drank beer. It tasted like my dad. I remember how I suggested starbucks, and you grimaced and took me to get “real coffee”, it became my favorite place.
I remember winning 300 tickets in an arcade crane game. I got a unicorn figurine and my two front teeth were missing. I remember the first time I dropped acid. I tasted purple and my head came very close to falling off. I remember being flattered and repulsed when a local white supremacist said he “liked the way I was built”
I remember when we had to change into our costumes for dance class, and I was the only one without a bra. I remember the first time I did salvia. I lit a microwave on fire and fell in love with a Brazilian musician, who became triangles. I remember how you tried to pick me up at work, but I really just wanted to get my sewing machine back from the shop.
I remember that art phase I went through where I cut off toy animal heads with a rotary saw and mounted them. I remember the first time I did coke. I talked really fast about tattoos and fell in love with the phrase “Barn’s burnt down. Now I can see the moon”. I remember when I ordered a multigrain bagel with butter because I missed you and almost cried at check out
I remember the first time I did pure mdma, it was at a spirit animal party I threw, and was on a lot of other things. I remember dreams where my teeth would fall out, picking at my gums until they stretched out onto the bathroom sink. I remember the day I had a pot full of boiling marijuana butter on the 87 bus (it smelled), then I broke my shoe and was locked out of my house.
I remember you helping me across the ice in the common. I think I loved you most then.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
bollywood final
Saturday, December 12, 2009
i'm trying not to yell
i can't have a car with a broken speedo
i look down, and no matter how hard i push
i'm not going anywhere.
my miles never grow, and i stay the same.
i'm idle on the highway anyway today
but i want to feel the bristle of bustle
progress you can't find on npr
so you can imagine my upset
when you know where i am
and i know where i am
and can't get to you in my stagnant distress
Friday, December 11, 2009
in the fridge
golden a bowl?
is it getting cold?
does it save your soul?
are your deviled eggs
molding or old?
downhill with the rolls
or a sight to behold?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
salt assaulted
like you did ten years ago, its time for prime college shoegaze to shine
if it makes you feel better, we can wear matching striped shirts
and strive to solve, imagine, create, or recreate crimes
just let's not crash the car on our drive to yell at burger kings
although i won't say no to go and get those dry free french fries
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
but it was a lovely night
Friday, December 4, 2009
first snow
we resort to older times
practicing most ancient rituals
with no petticoats assembled
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i'm not
it's not like the things i do
attempt to accrue
a more beautiful truth
of one one from a two
it's not like i only see
your face in every body
black hairs and sweaters
are poison to me
i suppose if i want
i could read some kant
who conveys other ways
to see beauty
but i'm not so sure
there is a cure
to this feeling i get
like a wave on a shore
and i sure can't regret
what has come here before
when the waters stay wet
i can't help wanting more
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
of white to pink/unfold to wilt
sex of pollen bursting
gives little shelter
your sister goes before
the tabernacle rattles
swoon to fallen
colors change
arrange rearrange
in front of you
go before you feel
your sisters tears
mulch and motley
feels ungodly fears
shedding, peeled
gaining years
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
craving nothing
Friday, November 27, 2009
can't jive, don't hate
Thursday, November 26, 2009
t givs
this mornings hard
so seans sister gets me high and we watch the dog show
it’s not fair that the judge has one arm.
how does he even hold a dog?
nicole was there too
she was pregnant when i lived with her
but now the kids in maryland and
the only teet being suckled is the bong
thanksgiving is for nonni
she doesn’t see me, but she did once
and tried to take my dimples, every time
even a few years ago, she would mark my skin
and say how smooth it was, unknowingly, endlessly
you know
I never thought changing diapers and coconut cream pie
would make me think of my grandmother
but i never thought i would smoke with my cousin
or drive a car at four in the morning
or talk to uke about the shape of paint
he has this beard now, my cousin
and sweatpants from college
and something new in his throat
shoegazing and blazing
holy shit
thankful isn’t really my bag
but i know i don’t have it that bad
and i know now not to go getting all mad
when holiday tv says i can get glad
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
longing a little longer
by the river of time
but i wish they would stay
so i could see the way your fingers pressed
in my light white thighs
where the colors found rest
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
the sweeping steady nails, like trains sparks on rails
the lines of your feet, the steady left right left right that makes a straight
and a back, and a forth
and burns into the dust the curve of the familiar
the lines of soft pink blue yellow
that makes up shadows
on the wall when up your stairs
the lines i crawl up there
my lines are never straight
and are sometimes made of dust
and are sometimes a trail of clothes
but the best lines i know
are wherever he goes
Monday, November 23, 2009
lighten up ya sissy
my heart breaks
every snare hit
it beats of being broken
plucked strings hang low
beaten by the bow
no happy notes to envoke in
can you feel it?
my heart shakes
missed the target
arrows and quivers, shaken
plucked strings hang low
beaten by the bow
all grace notes already taken
Sunday, November 22, 2009
the gauge stops here
with white dashes on asphalt
and nylons with scratches
yeah it was an easy headache
that came just as same as
a stain on the lane
yeah i was too scared
to maintain cool jets
or curb dreamt epithets
but a gas toting something:
is the basis of my next vignette
Saturday, November 21, 2009
hung over recovery
Friday, November 20, 2009
date night recovery!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
did i mention the deer
benevolent pinpricks turning to tear
to tell of brightness behind skies lying there
as the earth sang out with low toned bells
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
i’m not sure our realities allow for this love to come to fruition.
i’m talking through my dreams
bout love with uppercuts, struts
and tea that flows in streams
i’m talking through my dreams
sorting out abstracted feelings
and tea that flows in streams
to reconcile the morning
sorting out abstracted feelings
in complex situations
to reconcile the morning
has concrete connotations
in complex situations
it’s better to keep dreaming
has concrete connotations
if you follow dreamy feelings
it’s better to keep dreaming
when we have this conversation
if you follow dreamy feelings
subconscious love is liberation
Monday, November 16, 2009
tied for the finish line
with fall and spring, legs tied
no more time to decide
Sunday, November 15, 2009
right lane blues
cause when i move i do it fast
and when i pass i pray to christ
there ain't no coppers on my ass
i got the right lane blues
cause the right lane is wrong
i got the right lane blues
and so i'm singing this song
gettin the urge to merge
so i can take exit four
i'm never sure where it is
though i've been there some times before
i got the right lane blues
cause the right lane is wrong
i got the right lane blues
and so i'm singing this song
there's cars to the left of me
cars to the right
cars in front of me
and i can't fucking see at night
i got the right lane blues
cause the right lane is wrong
i got the right lane blues
and so i'm singing this song
Saturday, November 14, 2009
oh thai there
that could be scene with a scream on the soul night scene
Friday, November 13, 2009
you k
like a dream
where everyone there likes me
you glide through my eyes
like a stream
where sunbeams trickle lightly
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
i'll change my stripes when i like
no no
about the men that i've had
yeah yeah
i know you want a house cat
to stay around get pet
but you should know by now that
that don't get this pussy wet
you don't go clippin my wings
no no
that just makes this bird mad
yeah yeah
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
my life
first musical roads
then the stage, bigger stage
songs, songs, songs
the entire album
screams screams screams
from girls, and girls
believing in me
coming together
being musicians, being
on different continents for weeks
smoked, dropped
i can see the spirits
changed into costumes
then i had a beard
years imploded
bad accident
screams, girls, crying
i didn’t feel anything
Monday, November 9, 2009
she must not see
i need to be new. dye my hair red. i don’t see myself in the mirror, i can’t. jaques lacan tells me totality is without myself, and what i see today i see in twos. thelma and louise, blues brothers, seventies lesbians. my roommate put up a mirror so we can see ourselves from the boots up.
i don’t know why that box took me to you. or why he wants to take me to france. but i do know i took my exit twice in a row. there were glares that obscured and obscure glares and it couldn’t be helped but dammit if i wasn’t piss scared going down the highway with lapses of vision and a wholly whiteness obliviating borders.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
you know the studio
you’ve been there before
you go down the stairs
where theres ground round the doors
but this time got my rhyme
play friendly again
play me notes to bend
friend lend CD to tend
Saturday, November 7, 2009
shayna's blues 2
and if you were my doctor, then that would pepper it up
and if you were my doctor, then that would pepper it up
i’d drink you down cause you are brown but please don’t make me pee in a cup
and if you were my stool, i think i’d be your pigeon
and if you were my stool, i think i’d be your pigeon
i forgot my stool softener but that doesn’t mean i’m not smitten
if you were my chair, i’d move you from here to there
and if you were my chair you’d move from there to here to back to there
i’d go anywhere in that chair i don’t care as long as you were upon my derrière
Friday, November 6, 2009
my man dan
Thursday, November 5, 2009
ode to sneaky faculty
saggy giraffe
conducting operas for no one
as your chin sinks lower every year
drug store shadow and stick
remains there
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
and i’m still in the same coat
but then i was new to snow and new to you
tounge, form transformed
found friends on beacon
there was symphony, movies, coffee
finding newness in grass
ego let go to geometry
fires in microwaves
crying when aeroplanes put away ashes
to sashays across ice on commons
are when i think you loved me most
but now we sleep in winters coats
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
jazz squat
runnin and runnin and runnin and runnin and runnin and runnin and runnin and runnin and runnin
getting nowhere, i’ll know when i’m there
somethin its somethin its somethin its somethin its somethin its somethin its somethin its somethin its somethin
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
of pink to white - like wilting down to folded
of pink to white - like wilting down to folded
-a week before, the lush magenta leaves-
the sex of pollen bursting - swoon to fallen
above - a dry one - brittle with brown edges
gives little shelter
the tabernacle rattles
in front of you, behind around
you feel your sisters go before you
as colors change arrange and re arrange
one sumptuous leaf can still flex in the wind
for which no tears are shed
now mulch and motley variances of dead
Sunday, October 25, 2009
working hard or hard at work
leather, fur w/ burns
and old ass hats
w/ feathers and snaps
leave sleeping to subways
and flirting to muttons
Saturday, October 24, 2009
i want you but i’d rather fall
into my bed and get ahead,
be ready for my day
but my greatest want
is lacking jaunt
and in your bed to stay
Friday, October 23, 2009
in a small Cambridge café
it was filmed with big square bright hot lights
and small square dark cardboard to deaden them
there were scripts, binders, skeleton props
we made the skeletons dance, the actors
found work as baristas instead of being baristas
except for homeless man, who was a method actor
or down on his luck
for putting him in costume really cleaned him up
Thursday, October 22, 2009
shayna's blues
like the birds that gurgitate the worms before they migarate to the south
and if you were my pussy, i’d give you fancy feast
cause if i couldn’t make it purr at least i’d make sure you have somethin to eat
and if you were my guitar, i’d give you a strum
your neck may be a bit too long but damn you got a round little bum
and if you were my mink coat, i’d wear you out all around
you’d keep me warm and be a form i’d love to walk around about town
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
its in a drivers seat
and its for finger light honk
for verbal communication
usually what blurts out is
I don’t like it!
When I’m saying words to you
Is when I’m most not sorry
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
retro a go go
you sweet throwback
carry me around in the world
of mustaches, matches
batting eyelashes
full skirts and hair curled
Monday, October 19, 2009
driving again
panic, swift and hot
a dessert wind
a subdermic shot
to do lists short circuit
and sun stays under the visor
blinding, wanting rest
from the brightness, slowness
tightening of the chest
Thursday, October 15, 2009
to be anyone else but
what i am
could be a sham
i have feelings in my gut
oh to be new
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
fifteen things that astound me
i’m a self aware self sufficient organic machine
i thought there was a god and now i don’t and i used to think the pieces to the puzzle were random and couldn’t be put together but now i think they’re a little soggy and expanded and you need to work to make everything fit and i’m okay with being in control of my life, even if it’s the only one i have
i repeat my bad habits, but then sometimes i don’t
music (sounds made by people on wood and metal and strings and throats) can make me cry even if there are no words or the words are german.
the mojave desert, with long flat stretches of nothing, , and then mountains climbing up beyond where you will go, and the joshua trees that climb out of the ground and mark you with their stagnant ugliness
people watch television every day. some of these people watch conservative talk shows.
cordyceps fungi. there is one thing out there specifically designed to be the end of you.
self preservation through wealth and popularity is a high priority for the modern human
there is still war. people sign up to kill strangers for convoluted reasons, possibly because it’s a better adrenaline rush than halo 3.
perplexing victorian constructs such as the mutton chop and the penny-farthing bicycle
cchinnamasta, the mahavidya goddess that severs her own head, sending streams of blood from her neck. her, the mother of the universe, the fulfiller of desires, into the mouth of her attendants. she is usually seen standing on kamadeva and rati, fucking on a lotus flower, with her head in hand.
oscar wilde tells the story of salome, also one of decipatation, in heart wrenching prose: I will kiss thy mouth, Iokanaan.
i have an unexplained feeling that i want to smother you in. it’s like love, or a connection, or the desperate need to tell you that i am you and you are me and it’s alright we don’t understand each other completely because when i see you i know that in us all resonates a holy oneness, of whose origin we are ignorant of, but in our darkness we are together.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
to the thin classmate darkly
i'm glad i get to hear you talk
even if it is off trifolded cardboard
you have eyes that are dark and
deep and sad, with bags
older than i think you are
hair thin but unrestrained
a wild mane wavy, not plain
i don't think you wear pants
but what you don't wear
you wear it well
with dark red lips, secrets you don't tell
you wear black but
you are a pale sad lilly
in a sea of tiffany's, stephanies
thinner than thin, i see you drinking tea
for sleep
in a big warm bed you can disappear
from providence or city
i think you drip sex that
no one can catch
the way your hands in a nervous flex
across your thighs and hips stretch
Monday, October 12, 2009
driving miss me
driving for the first time
alone, in my own car
it started off the same way
i drove my moms kia or the rental
laughing to myself
short and hard low laughs
a laugh of joy and disbelief
the same sound of the laugh that comes out
in frustration
in not getting simple things
like my times tables, and later
monogamous love
then i have my hands on the steering wheel
first at 10 and 2
then one and 12
then 5 and seven
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
donkey show
he shouted in my ear
his wife was dancing
with their son, my friend
he wore a dead mans shirt
that rested at old hogs house
until we dusted off purple floral
until it had weird sex appeal
Friday, October 9, 2009
fumbling over bianco and assorted vino
risotto, bruscetta, scallops, gelato
crystal glasses so stiff and thin they sting
forks with a spiral metal handle
and wasps swarming up the walls
Thursday, October 8, 2009
damaged goods
like the vintage i sell
beautiful, exquisite, but
worn in the crown
that doesn’t mean
that i can’t be seen
with you wrapped around me
like a mink, about town
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
this will be a porm one day
Harlem Renaissance
Art Nouveau
Pop Art
les nabis prophet
luxus—a name taken from a Latin word meaning "to flow"
thinking about boys
that will do what they love or think they will love
and feel the joy of pursuit
that have loved without remorse, because they know these girls
sex crazed, young, possibly lesbians, compulsive, previously committed
time is not linear, love is not linear, their experience is fleeting and polygasmic
there ones that are not brave, that do what they think they want
but do not know themselves, self loathing and regret coming after indulgence
that sit for the long drives home, only because they can't pace
and go home alone to themselves, counting grains on planks
and might as well have gone to the buffet to gorge
instead of to whores that remain unengorged
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
it smelled like cinnamon sugar and beer
i'll tear the salt from your fine lined fingertips.
suck the creamy cool of your cornea.
draw a line down the spools of your spine.
buttons meet teeth, pop one, two, three.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
i know what you want but you already are
where stars align, combine
become entwined with the dust of lives
i have so much love and you want all of it
but to reach the sublime, i scatter
myself to let the birds take me
in mouths alighting to pines
i let myself spread
like holes
that grow
in dough
for bread
Friday, October 2, 2009
who am i kidding i fuckin love food
so i can see myself, what makes me
bones, control, pathology
i've been meaning to melt into a puddle
of legs on black and white linoleum
to be with the rest of me, all jumbled
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
toast to grainy foundation
lay pink flesh thread
electric dendrites
lips releash a feeling
a tired hard squeeze
was what i needed
but not real defeated
were all of the demons
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
making out amidst explosive aftermath
i sorted our few memories
high school, abandoned houses
hiding secrets
research discovery
i talked to your answering machine
about the canopy bed with baby blue sheets
that married us. breakdown, the sky opened
whisky explosion
angelina without eyes
brad’s face melted, and they’re still in love
pulling out schrapnel with TV teeth and tongue
ran into you at the grocery store
staring at the cake, blue and purple
like a scorpion would come out
and me with a sledgehammer
Saturday, September 26, 2009
new season
in my walk, stroll, gait, way
i feel being outside, exposed
searching for sun
i find instead the crisp quick chillness
of a new england autumn
must start bringing out leather, and sweaters
thinking of scarves and mittens that
expose my tips at will for cigarettes
i find myself searching for you
in the fields of bright faces, in pods of wool
even though you are not up this early
or up here at all
i seek you like the fleeting sun in my fall
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
last chat
fruit hangs from your neck, and you eat not
buddah looks on, pleased to see
holy creatures fast
i need to go, grab my bags
of you, your skin
not like you, the color is spring sky
oh, but that’s not the go, help me:
how do I do it?
“silk and woven scarves, oh to hang as limp as
they too feel the breath of life pass through
them where their fibers are pulled and tried”
jimmi, jimmi, jimmi
i never stitched your name
the needle stuck, black chino
but some of the chalk remains
how do I do it?
“the steer horn, hung on brown leather
holds flowers fake as you
but certainly more permanent”
shoeboxes full of empty cigarette boxes, photographs, lighters
how do I do it?
pastel dresses don’t tell
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
with the tip clipped, crack won’t stand a chance
i can’t get through five minutes
of class, coffee, chatter, whatever
without that impervious hot prickle
i swear my brain will atrophy
daydreams making swiss cheese of senses
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
where all teachers teach about penises
envy, gender, love, inversion
repression, transgressions
and this
the word, the way
the beautiful shiny gift
divine cock of knowledge
knowing bliss
to describe, transcribe
rights and rhymes
of the active mind
Saturday, September 19, 2009
burning wrinkles into a union of legs
as white chiffon collects pollen
i’m thinking of you in your bowtie and suit
i don’t go to the coast that often
but I sucked my Darjeeling right down to the dregs
and it said your blue suit case don’t need to sit rottin’
let loose and abuse your youth for this weddings sake
Friday, September 18, 2009
x fumari
with bright lights and pills and my travelin shoes
with fresh hair and an old shirt
i boldly roamed streets I will never know
pillows and a hookah bar and friendly strangers
weed from and apple in a hotel bathroom
where the border trim said
this is where you go to die, every time
Thursday, September 17, 2009
girls of platinum with a drippy tickle squeak to their tones
land of palm trees whose dead fronds dangle, reminding of time
big, tan malls, self replicating and infinite and huge with pricey coffee besides
land of lazy drivers, or friendly ones, when you are where you want, no need to go fast
hills too steep for feet, but wheels make them sing, enough for a chorus
land of the rust free automobile, dripping with chrome, colorful class, burning rubber on flat asphalt
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
will type out
And everybody I met
Were all people persons pettin everybody elses pets
And when they said hey man, at which store did you get
This fuckin chow, this poodle
Lit another cigarette
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
lame plane
In the great divide
Deciding what’s yours and what’s mine
We twixt it with twine
Wrapped in piles and lines
Were our banjos, and boots, and shoeshine
I know all these rows
Left a toll on our souls
But they’re bricks on our toes
When a pleasant wind blows
My mouth made goodbye
But your terrible eyes said
Our lives look much better combined
I know all these rows
Took a toll on our souls
And you know that I don’t want
To see your cheeks go
But you’ve gotten my heart
Mixed up, twisted in knots
So I’m taking my lot
Just so see what I’ve got
Monday, September 14, 2009
main plane
We laughed under the stairs
And ate oranges and red wine
The merlot matched my eyes
And the sorrow that lies
There, but you’d rather look at the rind
When I meet you, I’ll greet you
And say how’d you do
But I know that the real you I’m not talkin to
In the west coast, precious ghosts
Peel skin off the limes
And sting me with beauty
I will no longer find
Sunday, September 13, 2009
ode to the intent train musician
headphones hugging you, the sizzle of studios
with an ipod case that will keep out the rain
a big back book
between the sheets, tapping foot, now feet
only devotion to the movement, baroque music
you used to hear it
but now feel it
and more in it than the train
you are not in your clothes, or
your clothes are not you
stiff khakis and blue
Saturday, September 12, 2009
all around
in a daze, works a maze
and my cheese is brie at the last turn
a broken chain
set my pedals to go
faster, so fast, that the going was slow
Friday, September 11, 2009
pashaweary naan, a leopard cope
taking off my mind things that fall apart
exotic soul soothing where they know our names
opened closed doors, giving spice to the weary
Thursday, September 10, 2009
bye bye meow meow
Eyes bursting with maggots
Mouth small and shriveled
Like grotesque latex masks
But the gore is real and stays there
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
sick day
stumbling through stirring soup for the sick independent woman
and backing up in a straight line, squeezing squeaking tires on curbs
trying not to cry
you can't expect me to sit in class with a faucet nose
and listen to whiny 19th century bitches cry about nothing, lady
when i have a to be a driver by friday and sleep off disease till saturday
times not on my side, here
Monday, September 7, 2009
poem #1
until i had it headlocked
it swallowed spit and when it bit, fangy
my arm hung limp in deadlock
when will feelings learn
to wait until their turn to show
resentment to me
on the street is where everyone knows
that i loved you and from you,
the one thing i got in return
was this feeling of reeling
like butter, these guts pound and churned
heart be still, it's my will
and only my sense you obey
i'll be ruled by no hearty fools
oh please tool me tward matters of grey
for the brain holds no pain
just the stains that remain
of the memories that stayed to serrate
but my heart is a lark
that will start to embark
at the speed of a quark and migrate
Sunday, September 6, 2009
strange infatuation
watching rainbows on depression glass
full of cherry blossoms, cherries, waiting for tea
i sang your name from my sternum
and the glass quivered; the dust smelled like home
picked up a shaving mug, said “think of me” –
- and I did - and was covered in poppies
you know how I feel, right?
well, how could you?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
i want you to connect
i want you to connect with me
is it hard
is it hard too?
is it hard to together be
i know
i know there are many
i know there are many walls
built of eyeliner, sidewinders, spellbinders, pall malls
we can
we can break it
we can break it all down
watch it
watch it burn
watch it crash to the ground
then level we’ll be, what we think isn't we - stripped, we’re everybody
Friday, September 4, 2009
motion, loco!
and it sounds important, a garbly braah
like it needs something
it is loud
maybe it is voicing for the train
a garbly braah is not unlike the steady whoop
and it sounds desperate, shrieks, braaiiglabaglaba
twitters and flutters, swooning for locomotion
Thursday, September 3, 2009
social visit
the one of a distant pleasant memory
swirling like froth on a hot chocolate mind
you 70’s slacker
with the semblance of a petulant boy
but of inverse disposition
always smiling, making me smile
for days and days
stays the warmth of your open eyes
seeing and showing and making and being
summer tales of skinned dear
brought back to the barn, shot and dead
how you left before lifeblood spilt
tainting your view of the horned beauty that breathed
skinny, dreaded vegans eagerly ate the venison
knowing that fellowship foreshadows all isms
there was no kill like this since wild men reigned
with drums and shared lives, community beauty
to have had your eyes and feet this summer, friend
to have been there, but being there once having seen there
is my most prized pipe dream, kept alive by mountain slides
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
whatta saga
past old boy memories
faster climbing needing
to ride out this feeling
retrieved my ride
for making good time
in parks and past pines
to where classes define
saga celebrated
in a kitschy boozey kitchen
where my dancing desecrated
talking heads and times i’ve waited
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
bold move
infinite little white dashes on asphalt
two tanks of gas
a couple dead birds, also raccoon
new room, kitchen, bathroom
blue walls with baby blue butter suitcases
emptied out into a place that can stay.
Monday, August 31, 2009
how do you do it
or other times, failure is manifest in the pungent midnight silence, where breathing is too shallow to be real sleeping
but with my age comes knowledge of the holy us
i can now see the smiles and sparks that make fuckups crumble, pill, and fall like white erase board marker markings
the breaths of timeless compassion, cloudy at the two am station where i wait for your limitless love.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
saves the day saves the day
into the grooves of floorboards how
they try to pry up my toes once alighted
of shoulders the bad vibes can smolder around
i flipped them out of my body, now scout
for the remnants of rubbish, around and about
on the ground and then pound them out the damn door
they will flounder and ask themselves why and wherefore
Saturday, August 29, 2009
don't worry
because we aren't a necessity
i need you like a vice
but your charms i could get down the street at the dusty corner store that carries my smokes.
allow me to flee your memory, all the gestures, appearances, best wishes spinning
my clothes, hair, smell, my worn and tired soles, where my eyes move or don't move.
what i know and don't, what i like and have never tried, if i have a god, or am my own
what i want, what i want of you, what you saw in me, the things i will be
let it all go until you have to claw your way out of clouds to see me smile and ride off
Friday, August 28, 2009
two poems today
shooting flames from your teeth
with words bursting loud
sizzle dangerously
i'm falling in love, and not the every day train love
the elevator holding my guts, cable cut, kind of love
wanting you, because you are me
and my skin is across the seat
reading a book i'll never read
my kind of love today is the love
where i've met you and you've met me
a smitten kind of swooning of
unknown enormity
you're the old america
in mother of pearl buttons and teeth
birthed by that aquatic sea bitch of beauty
holy laughter rolling along her clamshell
as she parks the bivalve, dipping into
the glory, wonder of a 57 bel air
thinking about her son in a jukebox
and the way his hips churn waves
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ode to the sleeping train lovely
do you have a destination? dusty callused hands show your travels well.
slumped over like a crumpled puppet, dark red hair limply hangs over the rail
a stale late stratus sunset.
your silver shoulders, the highest point in a sloping arch
shine, a summer moon, shiver then are still.
sweetheart, the day is too cold for your waves of aqua chiffon,
pleated and needing the sway of walks way.
but your endless skirt sea ripples with only wind, then is still
i won't see your face, and i never will, but i know its benevolence and innocence,
pure and spanning centuries of waxes and wanes, timeless patience of saints.
and like me, you will get off your stop, stream, but too soon return to the big blue oblivion, silent and loving, needing, being all.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
blood on the tracks revisited
to the smokey tattoo parlour, hung over over egg nog and jack
and propped up on a window, the young apprentice saw
a deck of cards on the edge, fixn for a fall
he quickly caught the lot of them, savin for the queen of hearts
the desk girl dolled out five and they occupied their time for a spell
they bet on living real estate, the space below the pinkie fingernail
and whoever won the pot would pick their favorite men
and there put a reminder, where no reminder had been
to canonize their loses, the symbol on the queen of hearts
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
18 ctr, 1909
we walk up the steps
and into dusty history
where old town memories keep
like this photo, taken 100 years ago
of the place we have made home
and i wonder what romances died before us
as victorian glasses and combs stare
at these modern intrusions
Thursday, August 20, 2009
i'm alive
this is the day i die
the last day i make my pink plaid bed for the living
before retiring to black sheets of dark unknowing
my big black book i want to finish before i go
which is physical, not a metaphor: House of leaves
i’m reading scenes, navidson, the great explorer, waits for death
and slaughters time by reading House of Leaves [ ]
in my case literature provides no escape
i move to bike rides with a younger boy me
to the big pink bakery to buy canolli's
i splurge on whole milk cause hey this is it
i call and old friend to check up on his kid
no cornet practice, it seems futile
but the day turns to night and still standing, alive
i celebrate my breath, my fingernails, each one a miracle
beautiful skin, attached freckles intact, in place
and aligned with the stars, which are still so fucking far in space
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
exploring deploring
of my being idling
wanting relief before
hitting trains home
it's like this every 7 thirty
sometimes i people watch
today i decide, people talk
with homeless youth, 20 like me
i chat near their guitar case
about whiskey and money
quite the opposite of your mommas
water cooler small talk
they take me to junkie city
by the river where harvardites run
but there's no fast moves for the spaced out jaded
in faded black ripped tees
something about glue huffin punks
and friendly dads on junk
or drunk young things bleeding, glass feeling
makes me really real, feel alive, idle subside
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
come together
you, to a checkerboard chin
natures pattern scratched out a gameplan
in pink and beige
or maybe you started this morning
banged awake by cosmic meat cleavers
what the fuck is this?
i have no idea. It’s perfect. did you sleep on it?
i slept on my back.
what the fuck.
me, i woke up to swimmers ears whisper
poking, saying “sorry, your defenses
were sloughed away by the poolside”
it's all day morning mumbles,
for i fear i can’t hear dear.
what are you poking?
look. I’m pointing to it.
what the fuck?
do you see anything hurtey?
for you i’m grateful
you let your senses play for me
imprint blueprint‘s facsimile
of everything in line in place
my back, for it’s the largest place
a checkerboard for me to show
that prove your kisses come in rows
Monday, August 17, 2009
swooning on the job
ephemeral boy that will perish, flesh and memory
make your time my time, which is borrowed and supine
elbows shoulders, moving fingers in rituals
that took years of muscle's maintenance
forming gestures familiar to character
let me kiss where fingers meet in a valley
align limb vines of mine and time's
with eyes looking at eyes with eyes inside
you'll find our minds
slip, dance entrance
imagination, fancy to unbind
Sunday, August 16, 2009
hmm yess
begging to be released, titian granting.
nudie beauty permanent, unaware
how their faces stare when no one is there
burning holes in the parquet
Saturday, August 15, 2009
so you know
i can smell it
tomorrow is a happy day where good will happen and you will see everything and it will be beautiful, and if you cry from it you won’t be sad and you’ll get a little startled when contentment is an easy exhale and came together without a precursory cosmic to do list. the yesterdays full of uncertainty, loneliness, rejection (real, imagined, loud, unspoken), will be laughed off shoulders like old dandruff and dissipate until they reach an outside blue and dance with the clear discs that run along eyes looking on the sun.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
you stick, slick
beers and videogames
past the movies where
you never want to
get scandalous
but you’re a nice boy
with shirts with buttons
and slip on vans
that likes cars and
letting tension go -
smooth it over like
steamed creases
or folded money-
how you make
masses happy
but your creamy cool
crosses my thoughts
days spent feeling breezes
thinking if they could
dry our summer sweat in bed
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
a mean clean
but today i turn to one of my non projects
and begin a long road that ends with a clean cellar
to tiptoe past earwigs, ants, alive or dead
i will find old levis that ex boyfriends stained
along with their once prim argyle sweater
shirts that advertise faith, belief in
showing the lord to mexico
petticoats no longer period
now that rains have dip dyed them like easter eggs
old ass memories of people that are fucked up now
or doing really well, in oil paint and skeleton suits
patches to commemorate my relationship with mom
that never did get sewed to a sash
or dare certificates that never got hung up
there are things that haven’t changed
bags of googly eyes, packs of needles
in both cases the big eyes have been taken and used
too many memories, stuffed into three ring binders
and things that, thank god, have changed
like the mess and mildew and ideas i can’t keep up with
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
it never makes sense
and erase all the times you saw pain
at my hands and my feet i hope what would remain
is a beautiful scene that a painter would paint
if my silliest wishes were chalk
i’d draw on the sidewalk us both in a frock
coat and me with a parasol gleaming we’d be
floating through rivers of creamy ice cream
Monday, August 10, 2009
involuntary nap time
where i can’t see your face
but i’ll wait for the rays
of clarity to grace
Sunday, August 9, 2009
pricking prickly fingers, to test, let it out
brothers throwing punches, spacey sisters
drunk dads and messy moms
Leo, we both lived through it
and we’re pretty fucked
but you’ve got it, little man
you got the grunt of adolescent angst
and i hope teeny mean teens see your swagger and shiver
at the dangerous, dark cool
you know ed cullen don’t got shit on you.
Leo, one day you’ll find some planets aligned
you’ll roar with purpose headfirst down a road
that can’t show where it goes
but you can feel it, deep and clean, as grass between toes
let it be known that i’m not there
most of the time, i’m elsewhere
i’ve got that travel bug and trouble follows
but with what heart i got, i care
i got roots like a tree all day for you
and if i had a band i’d jam with you
cause you’d keep it roarin with that Leo sound
that when found, will make mountains
and fountains stay cool
Saturday, August 8, 2009
i wanna redo this
cause i am
with a fat lip and a bruised ego
i take your abuse cause when i smile
blood sticks to my teeth like cherry taffy
and i’m laughing cause frankly
this is how it should be
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
bug by land, blue by sea
plunging in
tickles ankles
inhale nostrils
breathe deep blue
soon, achoo to
swim and sputter
bugs like chew
flutter, falter
under water
quiet anew
i knew quiet
Monday, August 3, 2009
we had fun, right?
your arms area vortex
smells like soap and sweat
and black leather seats
when our skin meets
i lose me and you and it and all
as sound as the grave
alive as the skies
i breathe out, breathless
restless content
maybe some days
i squander, wander
but days the hourglass
slips sand through slits
and trickles tickle time
but i’m on my side
your sides are mine
when you’re on my side
sandy swirls tip, are still
Sunday, August 2, 2009
long longing throng
i am what you have
i have you
i haven’t had enough
i’m not too tough
like pieces of meat
i fall off the bone
crumbling stoned to pebbles
starting tumbling trebles
that groan, settle, moan
Saturday, August 1, 2009
passion fit
on a slate gray subway in miles of snow
her sweater got wetter and made brighter glows
hunched shoulders they smoldered, she knew when to go
shaded and jaded, sea’ve sunglasses sprung
became moribund when they saw the sun
oh mothers, don’t bother to see what they’ve done
they’re peeling off feeling, becoming undone.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
cognition XX
how past me sees me now
and how me now sees me to be
questions come when shower water covers
about mothers, will i ever hear
your children are so beautiful?
what do i wear inside my mini
below my sunglasses and ice coffee
that conceal and reverse a restless night
lipstick stain on an orange straw
can i see myself at all?
what did i see as a girl
wishing i was a teenager
curly black hair and hoop jewelry
curves and lines shouting out my head
walking on asphalt, my childhood street
slapping heels and smacking gum
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
two for limbo
people wait for/tunes to change
one with some luck/two lack of funding
split like a hypun/known future remains
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
russel rustle, stirring ghosts
for sundry samples of memory, lovely
flashes of you in your tank are too much
for my stomach to keep down such little a lunch
i wish you the best, i’m wishing you well
but seeing you there is like being in hell
i’ll throw in the ocean my happiest token
to wash away notions of sad laughing swells
Monday, July 27, 2009
404: love not found
at our pithy attempts of intimacy
knowing the future finds a car, computer
to have you gripping your seat in full swoon
Sunday, July 26, 2009
decked out deco
outlined in sultry bold black
woven fingers to hold your curls
waist dropping and droopey, disappears
those twenty year later minxes of gingham
all cheeks and titted teeth
smiled for a while but
what stays, distant stately elegance
dripping with parisian decadence
Friday, July 24, 2009
late early life lessons
my mother directs us to hough’s neck
where i was born, and a place of regional pride
evidenced by the lexus vanity plate: NECKER
let’s go down to where you had dance recitals, i’m getting chills
i’ve backed up in a straight line here before, only in a tutu
more landmarks are in the maternal tour guide
like where dad had a boat with cliffie
and where the horseshoe crabs burrowed
generating phobias, spanning generations.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
got over hump day
which is where i went on waterfalls
which were more like haunted houses
after long burns from sojourn yearn
back home is where the walls groaned
spittin trippy drippy metallic static
make breathing heaving, goes to toes
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
genius of love*
always returning (2)
a fifth of beethoven
waters of nazareth
take pills: phantom headlock
colours: the warning
hold up trans europe express
we will become silhouettes
*all words are from titles on my ipod's genius playlist for "take pills"
Monday, July 20, 2009
lust bites
relief in a rush, then the tingling spreading sin
knees got pink and grew, elbows ankles creepy crawl
infected, engorged, inescapably enthralled