Friday, August 28, 2009

two poems today

you hungry banshee
shooting flames from your teeth
with words bursting loud
sizzle dangerously

i'm falling in love, and not the every day train love
the elevator holding my guts, cable cut, kind of love
wanting you, because you are me
and my skin is across the seat
reading a book i'll never read

my kind of love today is the love
where i've met you and you've met me
a smitten kind of swooning of
unknown enormity


you're the old america
in mother of pearl buttons and teeth
birthed by that aquatic sea bitch of beauty
holy laughter rolling along her clamshell
as she parks the bivalve, dipping into
the glory, wonder of a 57 bel air
thinking about her son in a jukebox
and the way his hips churn waves

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