Tuesday, October 13, 2009

to the thin classmate darkly

you're so beautiful
i'm glad i get to hear you talk
even if it is off trifolded cardboard

you have eyes that are dark and
deep and sad, with bags
older than i think you are
hair thin but unrestrained
a wild mane wavy, not plain

i don't think you wear pants
but what you don't wear
you wear it well

with dark red lips, secrets you don't tell

you wear black but
you are a pale sad lilly
in a sea of tiffany's, stephanies

thinner than thin, i see you drinking tea
for sleep
in a big warm bed you can disappear
from providence or city

i think you drip sex that
no one can catch
the way your hands in a nervous flex
across your thighs and hips stretch

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