Thursday, September 22, 2011

on day two she said

my body measures time for me.

i painted my pinkie nail white

a “10 day no chip” guarante

one of the last times i saw you.

it is half gone.

seven days ago

my legs were red, embedded in asphalt

now, the hurt skin sheds like tiny oak leaves

and my knees turn hard and and black

designed to keep everything out.

the last time i got a haircut was for the wedding

where i excused myself for an hour or more

just to hear you make me laugh on the phone

my chartreuse cotton taffeta ass perched on

parking space cement blocks, railings

and perhaps you liked to know

how my knees fall at your whistle and that

so easily i put my face above that white dress

in the heat and joy and love of the evening

but my little tendrils grew long

and i’m shy and shaggy now

a mess is a better word.

last, quite literally

my toes remain blue and lovely

but poke at my socks

and ask them

have you seen the boy

that made her skin glow

and sucked out the grey

flaked sadness

we have all become

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