Sunday, August 21, 2011

or diet dr pepper

sweet and low
gets a bad rep
because everything
is a shitty substitution
sugar substitutes whole foods
that make a steady pep pep pep
sugar substitutes substitute sugar
we get a rush and forget about fiber.
fuck complex carbs. this is america.

he is coke zero. roller coaster tycoon.
he is 21 y/o single wants to live chat NOW
he is rubber corks, digimon, decaf skim
sugar free vanilla iced latte just drink a water
you fucking BITCH.

you are the bread water base jump
real live butterflies, not pinned in a box
you are the ginger ale my mom stirred
all the bubbles out of when i was sick.
you are the grass i grab and pull, sitting
outside in the sun. you are not from concentrate.
picked fresh daily, vanilla extract extracted from vanilla
and in actual, actual reality
i like that about you.

but i'm still drinking diet coke.

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