Sunday, June 14, 2009

the walk back, the ride home

i get just enough time in harvard square to keep me sane. the homeless vets humble and bad beatles covers by ponytailed jimmy buffets make me feel the strength of actual creation. i see fashions; ironic, real, incidental, purchased. books in windows, smelling soaps. yoga mats and meatless burgers, paying pretty pennies for strawberry smoothies. starts making me thankful for my humble home.on my way there via rickety red rails there are men that are now women with sneakers and nine west bags, blue haired lesbians with portly moms, the desperate, the tired. beautiful rich young things talk about picking out wedding veils and how homeward bound killed countless puppies in japan. privileged khaki men with button downs unbuttoned, drunk, talking about the value of time. all of this at snowballing volumes, clamoring, clashing, begging for a piece of my precious attention. tomorrow i will remember to charge my ipod.

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