Sunday, June 7, 2009

sunday: family, drugs

old friends and too many cigarettes
you’ve gotten big
your little brother graduated
your nephew is going to preschool
your mom is the same, mommin around

i eat a watermelon with a fish knife and a broken fork
tell my little brother skin heads are fucked
not to get jumped like his friend
we smoke a blunt at the sea and skip stones stoned

tried to hit a pile of mud but never did
when he almost got it, i’d give him big flat grey ones as incentive
and saved cool looking ones for myself

no seaglass but there was a dead fish
what if there was the most beautiful piece of seaglass under it anthony quizzed
i still wouldn’t touch it I said
i know myself that well at least
maybe my fears will change with the tide, when we both get high

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