Wednesday, May 6, 2009

i'm not a vegetable, dammit

no longer a slave to the kiln
buy the whitest wonder known
with paper brown crust
and no teeth needed

carb up, zone out
stumble videos, forget yourself

who needs to dance
when theres lindy hopping
posted, pixelated
unfocus your eyes and let your limbs long

no need to sing
there is no stopping oum kalthoum
why try, there'll be no riots when i die
stone myself, is my phone by my laptop?
keep clicking, my song sounds silly

simplify, simplify living
to the lowest common denominator
when i feel neither low nor common
when I feel this fire, energy
radiating, leftovers from being alive
self awareness!
glorious byproduct!

unplug me, let me feel the grass in my toes
I want to get dirty, be messy, explode
going to let my body sing
going to give my voice some room

learning how to live
from the bottom of my feet
to flyaway friz
every dendrite connecting, electric

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