Sunday, April 26, 2009

oh no

oh hey.

you want me to write a poem?
oh jesus, it's been another day hasn't it
well. I'm boycotting.
this isn't a poem.

when you take off the first n
everything is open..
I just thought of a word


its like a contradiction
not open
or something
I'm never not nopen.

I'm wasted.
not even the wasted I was earlier
just wasted on sunshine
long day
of seeing people I care for.

I run my brain through laps
drowned it in smoke
hookah. tokes. cigarettes.
ooh, nat shermans with a touch of mint.
shut up.

my synapses need refurbishing
cracked at the corners
paint peeling
making connections
to the best of their ability
with no help from me.

smoke deprives your brain of oxygen, you know.
the terrible habits I pick up.

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