Friday, November 30, 2012

unlike unlike unlike

do they use her legs like rabbit ears?
drunk queen of the dial
what is it you fear?

(oh, just, here, come here, and i will show
you what it means to kill the thing you love
and return through the cruelest months
carrying his head through the end of the
earth on your silvered back. hands scratched
from the fight, skin sloughed raw. but feet a 
toughed smooth, the color of clay. oh, do i
have to take your hand and show you what 
it means to look at the lion looking at you?
look back, look back like the good books'
harlot and be the pillar of salt so sifted through
winds. forget, forget or make fated bridges of 
crippled birds. remember to forget, or never 
forget to remember to pretend to forget, and
one day will come when you will. (and you will))

what it is you fear
is gleaned wet cheeks, smile
when he uses your legs like rabbit ears

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