Saturday, December 31, 2011

ringing in

it's all about maintenance
the three thousand dollar three piece said
hard drugs don't scare me
hard drugs, should be scared of me

the only downside to hard drugs
is that they age you

his haircut belonged in a museum
next to titans page boy
and if you touched it
your follicles tickled


dj wet dick


i went to bed
wearing only my
glow stick
and dreamed of
flash light disturbs


he danced with
a statue owl face
took mint nips back
six by six and snarled
shayna get me a beer

he punched dj wet dick
in the wet balls
and screamed
throwing his phone
led to smashing his phone
his boots stomped,
triggered a seizure
and moved on


is it a siezure?
no no he's just in a panic
five good stragglers pinned him
in caresses and easy breathing

a delicate boy, james has always
taken milwaukee's finest to heart.

i straddled his head
my arms like a basketball hoop
and his body not body
punched my mouth
through my tongue

my mouth filled with blood
but i kept it shut
smelling only things
redolent of rough sex

the man with a million dollar haircut
slipped a xanax into my hand
and called it baby asprin
i put it under his tongue
with deliberation reserved for
returning temple relics

dj wet dick burned
sandalwood in the kitchen
and we licked our scrapes
wiped off drool
returned to the ebb

while i couch coddled,
they slept in my queen
like babies
but none as soundly
as the head on my lap

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