Tuesday, November 15, 2011

chap book

she squeezed her shoulder blades together and between the deltas came a flash of discord and it was like losing hair and the first day of preschool and then when every note agreed with each other the back of the girls head in class turned into the front of the girls head in class and graduation robes became bathrobes and hospital johnnies and they removed them all in front of each other in that instant and over and over again they saw each others naked ness but the puzzle pieces between their bodies trembled and shook and they were not afraid but they certainly were the same as the holy other. The notes lined up the dusk frenched stars into a twinkling grid and the truth fell between them like plinko chips and it felt like every elevator in new york city fell to the ground level in the same moment and the one you want is empty and it is safe it is warm it is sound. It brings you to a level the world agrees with

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