Thursday, October 20, 2011

RE: 1

synthesize touch/sight
seeing neon non petals
open behind closed
eyes. electrifying
legs slick shaved down
a first time for fall
and i press them against
your back i think about
all the layers it took
between getting here.
smell me smelling of
rain and leather, and
a weather and half hour permitting
you want to help me and you take
take my hand and it is small and
smooth and warm and yours is
big and cold and hard but it feels
like mine and its no surprise that when
i peer into where you keep your secrets
i say i love you and i'm not sorry we don't
need to be sorry and you take
take my hand and i feel like i'm
crossing the street but when i get there
there is no earthquake now but it is still
the same fuzzy humble low moan just
holding me under like a corduroy pillow

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