Saturday, June 19, 2010

car song

they picked all of her cherries and they tied them up with string
stuck em in a yellow envelope with lovers words and things
but the postman squished them both together and never was read
the love notes that were truth and beauty turned soggy and red

so i never truly knew how much you loved me
until the day you caught a fuzzy bumble bee
tied a string around it's waist gifted it to me and said
if you let me i would build a shrine for each hair on your head

you think you can keep things close with with strings and knots and so
you keep them close to your chest till you're ready to let go
but i know you don't have to go great lengths and wrap me up in twine
to make you so sure that i'm yours and you are fucking mine.

i didn't need anymore than that young fuzzy bumble bee-ee

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