Thursday, April 15, 2010

a lovely thursday

i'm going to wear your indifference wrapped around my arms
with a ribbon scrolled in a language familiar and cryptic as twins
talking with tongues and elbows

i'll walk on your cool quiet in the pedicured grass, a sign adorning:
"don't you trespass here, your feet will tickle our green watery heads"
and laugh away convention with a rattle

i spend my days painting walls canary and lunar sunset
hula hooping saturn's rings
pulling fate's tablecloth from under stacked wine glass
and lapping pearls from shells with tongue and gum
for the price of your raised eyebrow

and tonight, when i pull the dust of unrequited dancing from between my toes
and set my blessings to pasture, jumping over cedars
i enumerate every stiff brown hair

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