Friday, April 30, 2010
the game
Thursday, April 29, 2010
and then the drums
i would go right ahead and excuse shayna from this guy right here. you wouldn’t believe it. An early trumpet practice, cassette tape poetry, and a really, really long ginger ale. she didn’t even get the power point done. professors can yell at you from twitter now. but she read “for catie” for catie’s family and had the poetry boys over stoned and grieving in a let’s get high kind of way.
and then there were the drums she was late and had to wear the pink dashiki just like that nightmare she had because she is afraid of taking a solo, but she took two and at least four people liked it or said they liked it.
and you know, she wasn’t clear on the details with the moustache party or the sea monster gold margarita grapefruit martini cosmo types of events or discourse, but she did say it ended in encino man with bright eyes and dinosaurs and puffer fish and the most discrete kinds of vomiting so i am rather convinced she couldn’t have spit this one out if she tried.
if you need any more information on this series of events, the appropriate pictures have been tagged
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
radio control in hell
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
she's being emotional
Monday, April 26, 2010
the tapes
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
a day to my goddamned self
upon leaving my house, a robin.
but not before a long day
laying naked. answering only
to lazy whims, like
what does your face look like at night
or who is martha and did she know
her vineyard would give birth to deaf little grapes
naming “fish” and “i love you” with their waxed purple hands
upon waking, fifteen missed calls
from one phone. and the pebbles between
my toes were jumping beans and i thought of him sitting on wood chairs
naming all the cracks in the wall “shayna” and “i love you” and how he wishes to splay fingers in my mouth
tickling canker sores in my throat
fondling the opposite of my clitoris
upon thought, i took the day off
from anything but being the cool tiles
my cool tile
and my radiator wrapped blanket
that can kiss the shower off my hips
just as well, and leaves me free after to
perform eulogies for hair and nails
Friday, April 23, 2010
aids camp
the kids are hiv positive
but at least it makes the macaroni mayonnaise taste better
i almost cried with the rain
because the coast was so wide
and the sand was so white
and the sky
the sky was so orange
Thursday, April 22, 2010
where we're going, we don't need tupperware
my mind
is spinning
in pad thai
and ginger(s)
don’t finger
the feeling
but let it linger
Monday, April 19, 2010
viva negativa
v i v a n e g a t i v a
this block is not about drugs
it’s about impossibly clean tiles
the right angles only meaning not left.
this block is not about god
but about the not-soul. the un-unending
and it feels exactly like before being born.
this block is not about trees
but the shade. a cool absence
from being anything but peace
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
black 13
the people of pennypound
always went gambling
but never did gamble
for a price, they could
tip the scales for you
some people would save up for years
with electromagnetic trick roulettes
and a 20 dollar convenience charge
anyone could be a winner
and everyone would get laid